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the comfort you need in 13 sq ft.

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1 persona

The CABFUN ONE Cabin is an excellent choice for those who need a private and comfortable space to work. The walls and doors are constructed with materials that significantly reduce outside noise, allowing you to work without distractions.

Features independent touch dampers for ventilation and lighting

Interior finishes that ensure a silent and calm work.

Smart assistant, appropriate lighting and ventilation that guarantee a comfortable workspace.

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La Cabina ONE es completamente personalizable con varios colores que se adaptan a la identidad de tu empresa

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CABFUN ONE is not only a working space, it is a place that allows you to  develop your full potential.

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To work the way you like to.

The CABFUN ONE Cabin is an excellent choice for those who need a private and comfortable space to work. The walls and doors are constructed with materials that significantly reduce outside noise, allowing you to work without distractions.

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Excellent for those spaces and moments where there is always a need to work comfortably.

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Give your partners the boost they need to exploit their full potential. CABFUN ONE is perfect for focus and creativity.

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