Tel: (52) 55 68 37 - 0728
Tel: (52) 55 68 37 - 0728
Tel: (52) 55 68 37 - 0728
Tel: (52) 55 68 37 - 0728
nursing cabin
created by teams, designed for teams.

Designed by moms
for moms:
Comfort and ergonomics of the
furniture, to have a
comfortable and private extraction experience.

Wouldn't it be amazing that meetings hours could turn
into minutes?
The comfort and functionality that nursing mothers deserve

Do you know the benefits of having a breastfeeding cabin?

Benefits of a CABMOM for mom
-Decreases the risk of postpartum depression.
-Improves cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
-Helps to regain pre-pregnancy weight.
-Prevents osteoporosis, breast and ovarian cancer in the long term.
-It allows you to perform your work without worries.

Benefits of a CABMOM for the company
-Decrease in absenteeism
-Greater commitment and sense of belonging among female workers.
-Improves the company's image in society by showing interest in the well-being of its employees
-Increases employee satisfaction by combining motherhood and employment
-Positions the company as a benchmark in gender equality, social responsibility and savings in healthcare costs.